RWE in Digital Health: Commercial Evaluation and Strategy
Moving Away from Grant Reliance with a Roadmap for Commercial Application
Location: EU
The Opportunity
Our client – an EU-based digital health company with extensive public health experience, wanted to explore the potential to leverage its digital health platforms in the Asia Pacific region, and reduce dependance on grant funding.
Before committing resources to implement a commercial strategy, our client needed to understand the following:
Which of its platforms had the most commercial potential, and in which markets?
What capabilities and modifications would be required for commercial application?
What governance would they need to protect current and future activity?
Due to their limited commercial experience, they engaged our team of partners with collective expertise in areas including Real World Evidence, Asia Pacific markets, public health, and big pharma.
Our Approach
With a clear roadmap, our client could prioritise the most viable of their existing platforms and markets, adapt the platform for commercial adoption, and build the capability and governance structures they would need for commercial success.
Exploring Opportunities
There is growing opportunity for the commercial application of public health platforms that use real-world evidence and data. However, many digital health technology companies have limited internal analytical and commercial planning capability for meeting the requirements of highly regulated pharmaceutical customers. With our network of subject matter experts and partners, we provide critical expertise to assess viability, adaptation, and governance for a successful commercial approach.